Contractubex® Gel 20g
Php 1,282.00
Generic Name: Extract Cepae + Heparin Soduim + Allantoin
Brand Name: Contractubex®
Strength: per 100g Gel
Extract Cepae 10g
Heparin Soduim 5,000 IU
Allantoin 1g
Form: Gel
Manufacturer: Merz Pharma GmbH & Co.
Classification: Anti-cicatricial/ Anti-inflammatory
Indication/Uses: Hypertrophic and keloidal scars, movement restricting and cosmetically
disfiguring scars after operations, amputations, burns and accidents,contractures such as
Dupuytren's contracture and traumatic tendon contracture, cicatricial strictures.
Brand Name: Contractubex®
Strength: per 100g Gel
Extract Cepae 10g
Heparin Soduim 5,000 IU
Allantoin 1g
Form: Gel
Manufacturer: Merz Pharma GmbH & Co.
Classification: Anti-cicatricial/ Anti-inflammatory
Indication/Uses: Hypertrophic and keloidal scars, movement restricting and cosmetically
disfiguring scars after operations, amputations, burns and accidents,contractures such as
Dupuytren's contracture and traumatic tendon contracture, cicatricial strictures.
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