Ethicon® Coated Vicryl Rapide™ Polyglactin 910 Undyed braided absorbable suture 2-0 V-34 36mm 1/2c Tapercut™ 120cm
Php 8,400.00
Product Name: Coated Vicryl Rapide™ Polyglactin 910 Undyed braided absorbable suture
Brand Name: Ethicon®
Product Description: 2-0, V-34, 36mm 1/2c Tapercut™ ,120cm
Imported and Distributed by: Johnson and Johnson Philippines Inc.
Use: VICRYL RAPIDE Suture is the fastest-absorbing Ethicon synthetic suture and is ideal for use in superficial soft tissue approximation of the skin and mucosa, where only short-term wound support is required.